Red Dragon reputation

1. Overall rating
2. Items as described
3. Shipping time
4. Packaging
Buyer Date Comment
Ct connect 2025-02-11
Ct connect 2025-02-04
Ct connect 2025-02-03
Garage Geek 2025-01-25
Ct connect 2025-01-20
Ct connect 2025-01-17
Ct connect 2025-01-16
Ct connect 2025-01-15
Ct connect 2025-01-15
WarrantyV0IDED 2025-01-10 Cards were sent via standard lettermail. Lettermail uses automatic sorters that will bend the contents 90° or more. Cards with stiff protective sleeves that are in a lettermail will catch on automatic sorting machine slots and internal rollers, potentially causing the package to rip apart and damage the contents or result in total loss of the contents. I was lucky with this order, but I could see several times where the machines caught and chewed on the lettermail slip. Furthermore, after initial purchase I was sent $0.49 CAD, a portion of the price of a card in the order with no message or explanation. Only after the arrival of the cards and inquiring about the missing card was I told that it had been "refunded". As this is one of my first times using CT, I was unsure if they would bother to mediate over $0.27 CAD, and closed the order. But the inconvenience of being uninformed about the missing card until delivery is aggrivating, considering the time wasted before finding a new seller for the missing card. Seller not recommended
Jason charchar 2025-01-06 Awesome seller
Rockarebel90 2025-01-05
Le_passeur 2025-01-04
Ct connect 2024-12-30
Ct connect 2024-12-30
Tange 2024-12-21
Ct connect 2024-12-10
Ct connect 2024-12-05
Ct connect 2024-11-27
Ct connect 2024-11-26
Ct connect 2024-11-16
Ct connect 2024-11-16
Zaryeet01 2024-11-16 This order has been marked as lost
Ct connect 2024-11-15
Ct connect 2024-11-12
Ct connect 2024-11-06
Nathan mcand 2024-11-03
SubtleScarecrow 2024-11-01
Philipdasilva41 2024-10-28
Philipdasilva41 2024-10-28
Ct connect 2024-10-28
Devinnnived 2024-10-26
Ct connect 2024-10-18
SkipThree 2024-10-16
Ct connect 2024-10-15
Ambeault 2024-10-13
Ct connect 2024-10-11
EssexTCG 2024-10-07
Ct connect 2024-10-07
Ct connect 2024-09-30
Shavale 2024-09-26
Ct connect 2024-09-24
Ct connect 2024-09-19
Ct connect 2024-09-11
Ct connect 2024-08-30
Ct connect 2024-08-29
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-24
Ct connect 2024-08-16
Ct connect 2024-08-12
Ct connect 2024-07-30
Ivan Ramos 2024-07-25 This order has been marked as lost
Ct connect 2024-07-24
Ct connect 2024-07-17
Ct connect 2024-07-17
Ct connect 2024-07-16
Ct connect 2024-07-01
Ct connect 2024-07-01
Ct connect 2024-06-25
Bentho 2024-06-21
Ct connect 2024-06-19
Ct connect 2024-06-12
SpookMeSilly 2024-06-12
Ct connect 2024-06-04
Ct connect 2024-05-30
Ct connect 2024-05-21
Ct connect 2024-05-21
Ct connect 2024-05-10
Ct connect 2024-05-06
Ct connect 2024-04-18
Ct connect 2024-04-15
Ct connect 2024-04-12
Nathan mcand 2024-04-12
Ct connect 2024-03-29
Nathan mcand 2024-03-20
Ct connect 2024-03-20
Ct connect 2024-03-14
Ct connect 2024-03-09
Ct connect 2024-03-08
MagicCave 2024-03-05 Perfect ! Many thanks !
Nathan mcand 2024-03-01
The Mythic Store 2024-02-26
Ct connect 2024-02-23
Ct connect 2024-02-22
Ct connect 2024-02-12
Ct connect 2024-02-12
Nathan mcand 2024-01-30
Ct connect 2024-01-26
Ct connect 2024-01-22